09 September 1999
BB Hardback
152x138 mm
48 pages
Sally Milner Publishing
Milner Craft Series
Little Book of Wildflowers in Silk Ribbon
Jenny Bradford
The flowers selected for inclusion are all Australian Wildflowers. However, they illustrate the many shapes and forms found in all flowers, thus enabling us to embroider any flowers simply by changing colours.
Book ContentsAustralian bluebell. Blue tinsel lily. Buttercup (native flax). Cooktown orchid (tree orchid). Correa. Cut leaf dais.yEeriostemon (wax flower). Fairy fan flower. Flannel flower. Gum leaves and nuts. Hovea (and native gorse). Leatherwood. Native flax (and common buttercup). Native gorse. Native lasiandra. Nodding blue lily. Red boronia. Summer star flower. Waratah. Yellow and purple flag.